For Media



February 25, 2021

Tom Fortosky, Executive Director
Saskatchewan Catholic School Boards Association

Supreme Court of Canada will not hear Theodore case

Today, the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed Good Spirit (Public) School Division’s application for leave to appeal the Theodore case to the Supreme Court of Canada.

This decision confirms the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal’s unanimous decision that overturned the 2017 ruling that sought to limit public funding for students who choose to attend Catholic schools in Saskatchewan but lack a Catholic baptismal certificate.

We are relieved and reassured by this decision, and we believe it can be considered a victory for both religious and parental rights and freedoms. Even though the Government of Saskatchewan assured us they would do whatever is necessary to protect your choice for your child’s education, this decision definitively confirms what we have said and believed all along: parents know what is best for their children and they should be able to choose Catholic, faith-based education if that is what they want—no matter their reasons, faith backgrounds or traditions.

We are grateful to the parents and guardians of our students for entrusting us with the education of their children. In spite of this period of uncertainty, they have made their choice and we are humbled and honoured that so many continue to choose Catholic education for their children and families.

We are also grateful to the many donors who generously funded the costs of this appeal. Because of them, all eight Catholic boards in the province were able to keep education funds in the classroom and not divert them to cover costly courtroom expenses.

A significant amount of time and money has been spent on this court case, and we are pleased that we can all refocus our energy and resources on our students and families to build upon the exemplary model of education we have in this province.


Media Contact:
Twylla West
(306) 737-8271


le 25 fevrier 2021

Tom Fortosky, Directeur exécutif
Saskatchewan Catholic School Boards Association

La Cour suprême du Canada n’entendra pas l’affaire judiciaire de Theodore

Aujourd’hui, la Cour suprême du Canada a rejeté la demande d’autorisation d’appel de l’affaire judiciaire de Theodore devant la Cour suprême du Canada présentée par la Commission scolaire publique de Good Spirit.

Cette décision confirme la décision unanime de la Cour d’appel de la Saskatchewan qui a renversé la décision de 2017 visant à limiter le financement public des élèves qui choisissent d’aller à l’école catholique de la Saskatchewan mais qui n’ont pas de certificat de baptême catholique.

Nous sommes soulagés et rassurés par cette décision, et nous pensons qu’elle peut être considérée comme une victoire tant pour les droits et libertés religieux que parentaux. Même si le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan nous a assuré qu’il ferait tout ce qui est nécessaire pour protéger votre choix concernant l’éducation de votre enfant, cette décision confirme définitivement ce que nous avons dit et cru depuis le début: les parents savent ce qui est le mieux pour leurs enfants et ils devraient pouvoir choisir une éducation catholique basée sur la foi si c’est ce qu’ils veulent – peu importe leurs raisons, leurs origines religieuses ou leurs traditions.

Nous remercions les parents et les tuteurs de nos élèves de nous avoir confié l’éducation de leurs enfants. Malgré cette période d’incertitude, ils ont fait leur choix et nous sommes honorés et remplis d’humilité que tant de personnes continuent de choisir l’éducation catholique pour leurs enfants et leurs familles.

Nous sommes également reconnaissants aux nombreux donateurs qui ont généreusement financé les coûts de cet appel. Grâce à eux, les huit conseils scolaires catholiques de la province ont pu conserver les fonds destinés à l’éducation dans les salles de classe et ne pas les détourner pour couvrir les dépenses coûteuses de la salle d’audience de la cour.

Beaucoup de temps et d’argent ont été consacrés à cette affaire judiciaire. Nous sommes heureux de pouvoir recentrer notre énergie et nos ressources sur nos élèves et nos familles pour nous appuyer sur le modèle d’éducation exemplaire que nous avons dans cette province.


Contact médias :
Twylla West
(306) 737-8271

Media Releases and Background

Below you’ll find links to our latest media releases, answers to frequently asked questions and contact information for media spokespeople.



Statement, February 25, 2021
View PDF


Statement, April 9, 2020
View PDF


Statement on Saskatchewan Court of Appeal Unanimous Ruling, March 25, 2020
View PDF


Saskatchewan Court of Appeal Unanimous Ruling, March 25, 2020
View PDF


Theodore Litigation History and Overview Historical Background Prior to 2005 Statement of Claim.

 View PDF


Theodore Judgement Queen’s Bench for Saskatchewan.

 View PDF


SCSBA Statement Related to the Theodore Court Case Judgement.

 View PDF


SCSBA Statement Related to Government Announcement to Appeal the Theodore Court Case Judgement.

 View PDF

Opinion Editorial

Strengthening education through choice.

View PDF


Leader Post

Long-running Theodore court case decides non-Catholic students won’t be funded to attend Catholic schools.

View Article

Leader Post

Sask. government to appeal court ruling on Catholic school funding.

 View Article

Leader Post

‘Catholicity’ is up to school board and church to decide.

 View Article

CBC News

Non-Catholic parents say they should have choice to send kids to Sask. Catholic schools.

 View Article


Letter to the editor: It is about parental choice

 View Letter

Leader Post

Sask. Court of Appeal sides with Catholic division in school funding case

 View Article

CBC News

Sask. Public Schools wants Supreme Court to rule on non-Catholic student funding

 View Article


Supreme Court won’t hear case on Sask. funding for Catholic schools

 View Article


April 14, 2020

Part 1 – March 12, 2019

Catholic Schools and Province Arguments, Appeal Court Hearing

 Watch Video

Part 2 – March 12, 2019

Catholic Schools and Province Arguments, Appeal Court Hearing

 Watch Video

Common Questions and Answers

What is this court case about?

This court case has been launched by public school divisions to challenge whether non-Catholic parents should have the freedom to choose where their children go to school. Catholic education in Saskatchewan has never been – or should ever be – schools just for Catholics. For over 100 years, Catholic education has been open and available to anyone who wants it for their children. We believe that it should stay that way.

If the Saskatchewan Government has promised to honour the status quo, why mount a defense and participate in this legal fight?

The Government of Saskatchewan has stated that it will maintain the current approach to education funding no matter the court’s decision by invoking the Notwithstanding Clause in the Canadian Constitution. As a practical matter, we would like to see a permanent, court decision on this matter because a decision to invoke the notwithstanding clause needs to be renewed every 5 years. As a matter of principle, we’re committed to appealing any court decision that denies parents the right to choose where their children learn and denies children the opportunity to grow in the welcoming and caring schools we provide.

Wouldn’t the money for this legal fight be better spent on students and resources for classrooms?

All of the money required for our defense has been raised through small contributions from donors right across Saskatchewan. None of our operating funds for schools, classroom resources and students are being used to appeal the court’s decision or mount our legal defense.

Is Catholic division enrollment shrinking so you’ve got to shore up your enrolments with non-Catholic students?

Enrollments in Catholic Schools across Saskatchewan remains very strong. Catholic education in Saskatchewan has never been – or should ever be – schools just for Catholics. For over 100 years, Catholic education has been open and available to anyone who wants it for their children. Parents have always had the ability to choose where their children learn and we’re honoured that so many choose to enrol their children with us.

If you lose this case, how will you decide who’s Catholic enough to stay and who has to go?

We don’t believe it will come to that. The Government of Saskatchewan has stated that it will maintain the current approach to education funding no matter the court’s decision by invoking the Notwithstanding Clause in the Canadian Constitution. Catholic education in Saskatchewan has never been – or should ever be – schools just for Catholics. We are a separate section of Saskatchewan’s publicly funded education system and we will remain open to any family who wants a Catholic, faith-based education for their children.

What’s at stake of the court ruling stands or is left unchecked by the Government of Saskatchewan?

Parents across Saskatchewan are relieved that the Saskatchewan Government has already committed to maintaining the current approach to funding non-Catholic students in Catholic schools. If the court’s decision was upheld, or left unchecked by the Saskatchewan Government, it would:

  • Deny the right of Catholic schools to admit non-Catholic students
  • Threaten the ability of parents to choose where their children learn
  • Limit the education options of non-Catholic parents for their children
  • Force non-Catholic parents to fund the costs of their children’s education if they choose to enrol in a Catholic school
  • Displace several thousand students and their families across Saskatchewan
  • Force Catholic school boards to discriminate based on religion.

Who we are

Open Catholic Education is an initiative sponsored by the Saskatchewan Catholic School Boards Association and endorsed by Saskatchewan's eight Catholic school divisions that provide welcoming and nurturing learning Professional Writer Service environments for more than 40,000 children across the province.


Tom Fortosky  |  306-230-7067