It responds to alcohol by producing antibodies known as immunoglobulin E (IgE). The Merlot grape can trigger a hypertensive (increase in blood pressure) reaction in persons with hypertension or those prone to high blood pressure. The symptoms typically occur at night or in the early morning and resemble those of a heart attack with rapid heart rate. Since even tiny amounts of merlot may trigger such a reaction, blended wines containing a combination of grapes need to be avoided.

This causes the body to be unable to break down and clear out excess histamines in the body. Finally, the taste of red wine itself can also cause sneezing in some people. This is due to chemicals present in the taste buds that are activated by certain flavors or odors. Some of these chemicals can stimulate the production of histamines, which can lead to sneezing. To avoid this situation, it is important to drink wines with a flavor that does not cause an allergic reaction in the body. Those who have an allergy or intolerance to wine should follow the directions of their healthcare provider and may be asked to refrain from drinking red wine.

New Study Finds That 1 Percent Of The Population Is Sensitive To Sulfites In Wine

White wine has been around for centuries and is enjoyed by many people worldwide. It is typically lighter and sweeter than red wine, but some may find that it can cause sneezing or other irritation. Researchers believe that this could be due to the sulfites used in producing white wine, as well as the histamines found in white grapes. The chemical compounds present in wine, such as gluten, yeast, oak, tannins, and others may affect the way a person experiences the wine differently. Thus it is important to know what you are drinking before you drink it.

  • Simple grape allergies, as well as sulfites and glycoproteins, are the most common causes of wine allergy.
  • Instead, those who suffer from sulfite intolerance experience symptoms similar to asthma and allergic rhinitis (sneezing, itchiness, blocked or runny nose).

Often, people who are allergic to wheat are also allergic to barley, though that’s not always the case. Barley is typically considered safe for those with wheat allergies. Many people are familiar with common side effects of alcohol, including lowered inhibitions, euphoria (i.e., feeling “tipsy”), decreased coordination, and hangovers. However, alcohol can also have effects with which many people may not be familiar. Here are five surprising side effects of alcohol you should know about.

What to expect from your doctor

As it turns out, understanding your alcohol-induced stuffy nose starts with understanding how your body processes alcohol — or tries to, anyway. You may have heard that some people with food allergies are slowly given increasing amounts of allergen orally in order to promote tolerance. Further study found that the reaction was due to insect venom allergens present Oxford House Recovery Homes: Characteristics and Effectiveness PMC in the wine. However, if you have a serious reaction or severe pain, see your doctor. Also, if your symptoms seem to be linked to an allergy or a medication you’re taking, see your doctor. If you’re starting a new medication, it’s always a good idea to talk with your healthcare provider or pharmacist about how your medication can interact with alcohol.