The Benefits of Meditation in Addiction Recovery

Although rigorous trials have been conducted, a number of these studies have methodological limitations that limit the ability to conclusively affirm the effectiveness of mindfulness intervention with SUDs and prevention of relapse. For instance, Sancho et al’s16...

Why Does Wine Cause a Stuffy Nose?

It responds to alcohol by producing antibodies known as immunoglobulin E (IgE). The Merlot grape can trigger a hypertensive (increase in blood pressure) reaction in persons with hypertension or those prone to high blood pressure. The symptoms...

The Four Key Relationships in Addiction Recovery

That is one reason people sometimes find that even though their addiction recovery is going well, their relationship recovery is lagging behind. A person’s recovery journey can inspire and motivate those around them. By witnessing positive changes and growth in...

11 Tips To Help You Stay Sober

Life after addiction allows you to feel more in control of your activities and your relationships. Passing out after a night of heavy drinking isn’t uncommon. However, keep in mind that “sleeping it off” can be dangerous when someone has had a large amount of...